Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Respect for the drummer.

Why is it that Drummers always get ripped on? What did WE ever do to deserve this lack of respect? I don't know how many "drummer" jokes are out there but they're getting old.
Don't these "musicians" realize that without a drummer they're just a bunch of assholes standing around trying to figure out how to start the song? Who's gonna give them the 4 count?
Who is going to sit there and keep the tempo going? The bass player?! I DON'T THINK SO!!
He's only there to take on the ugly fat chicks that the drummer doesn't want. The singer is a moving target for the beer bottles. And the guitarist is there to...well I really don't know why the guitarist is there. But the drummer is there to provide the back beat, the heartbeat to the song. We drive the music or at least keep the other guys from sounding like a train wreck. If you think we enjoy this verbal beating, think again. We have feelings and emotions. So remember, that we control the song and if you piss us off you might end up  doing it yourself. I've seen bands without a drummer, they don't last long. Have you ever seen a BAND without a drummer in the big leagues? Very few and far between. Respect the drummer and you've got happy drummer.
The time has come for the drummers to stand up and demand the respect we deserve!

1 comment:

Grooveskin said...

I Agree / I've Been Playing Percussion 36 Years And Heard A Million Jokes Or I Can Do That, That's Easy. I Don't Say Anything I Keep Moving And My Drumming Grooving And Improving. But If A Band Doesn't Have One Their Losing. I Command Respect With Playing Letting Whoever Needs To Know I'm A Musician. Drums Have TUNING Screws!